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Ligatus output

Porck, H. J. (2001). Characterization of Western Handmade Decorated Paper, standardization of terminology, development of identification methods. Looking at paper: evidence and interpretation. A symposium at the Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario, May 13-16, 1999. Toronto: Canadian Conservation Institute. (Original work published 13/05/1999AD)
Relevant bibliography

Rousseau}, {M. J. -J. (2000). Splendeurs du livre au XVIIIe siècle: les papiers décorés. Exposition, 28 mai-15 octobre 2000, Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montmorency Val d'Oise. Montmorency: Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
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Alexandre, J. -L., Grand, G., & Lanoë, G. (2000). Bibliothèque municipale de Vendôme. Reliures médiévales des bibliothèques de France. Turnhout: Brepols.
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Piatnitsky, Y., Baddeley, O., Brunner, E., & Mango, M. (2000). Sinai Byzantium Russia. London: The Saint Catherine Foundation.
Ligatus output

Bologna, G. (1998). Legature (1. ed.). Milano: Mondadori.
Relevant bibliography

Porck, H. J. (1998). Identification of brocade paper, a new fingerprint technique. Iph Yearbook: Yearbook Of Paper History, 12, 37–39.
Relevant bibliography

Irving, J. (1997). Construction Paper: A Brief History of Impermanence. The Book And Paper Group Annual, 16. Retrieved from
Relevant bibliography

Alexandre, J. -L., & Maître, C. (1997). Catalogue des reliures médiévales conservées à la bibliothèque municipale d'Autun ainsi qu'à la Société Éduenne. Reliures médiévales des bibliothèques de France. Turnhout: Brepols.
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Decorated paper designs 1800 = Buntpapier Entwürfe: from the Koops-Marcus collection. (1997). Decorated paper designs 1800 = Buntpapier Entwürfe: from the Koops-Marcus collection. Amsterdam: Pepin Press.
Relevant bibliography

Doizy, M. -A., & Guilleminot-Chrétien, G. (1996). De la dominoterie à la marbrure : histoire des techniques traditionnelles de la décoration du papier. Paris: Arts & Métiers du Livre.
Relevant bibliography

Cockx-Indestege, E. (1994). Sierpapier & marmering : een terminologie voor het beschrijven van sierpapier en marmering als boekbandversiering. Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
Relevant bibliography

Cockx-Indestege, E. (1994). Le papier décoré et le livre: une terminologie. Iph Yearbook: Yearbook Of Paper History, 155–160.
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Arnould, A., & Massing, J. M. (1993). Splendours of Flanders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Maurer-Mathison, D., Philippoff, J., & Grand, M. (1993). Decorative paper. New York: BDD Illustrated Books.
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Schleicher, P., & Schleicher, M. (1993). Marbled designs: a complete guide to fifty-five elegant patterns. Asheville, N.C.: Lark Books.
Relevant bibliography

Bearman, F. A., Krivatsy, N., Mowery, J. F., & Library, F. S. (1992). Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library ; with an introduction by Anthony Hobson (p. 271). Washington, D.C: Folger Shakespeare Library.
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Barber, G. (1992). Brochure, cartonnage, reliure : the provisional protection of print in the later eighteenth century. Rousseau & The Eighteenth Century. Essays In Memory Of R. A. Leigh, 43–57.
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Gnirrep, W. K., Gumbert, J. P., & Szirmai, J. A. (1992). Kneep en binding: een terminologie voor de beschrijving van de constructies van oude boekbanden. Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag.
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Nixon, H. M., & Foot, M. M. (1992). The History of Decorated Bookbinding in England (p. 124). Oxford: Clarendon.
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von Arnim, M., & Schäfer, B. O. (1992). Europäische Einbandkunst aus sechs Jahrhunderten: Beispiele aus der Bibliothek Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. Schweinfurt: Bibliothek Otto Schäfer.
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Oldfield, P., & Library}, {T. F. R. B. (1991). From boards to cloth: the development of publishers' bindings in the nineteenth century. Guide to an exhibition at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, July-September 1991. Toronto: The Library.
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Seguin, J. -P., & décoratifs, M. des arts. (1991). Dominos: papiers imprimés. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux.
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Baxter, J., Bagford, J., Smith, G., & Dossie, R. (1991). The Sister Arts. New York: Garland Pub.
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Cloonan, M. V. (1991). Early Bindings in Paper: A Brief History of European Hand-Made Paper-Covered Books with a Multilingual Glossary (p. 146). London: Mansell.
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Peterson, W. S. (1991). The Kelmscott Press: a history of William Morris's typographical adventure (p. 371). New York: Oxford University Press.
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Miura, E. (1990). The art of marbled paper: marbled patterns and how to make them. London: Zaehnsdorf.
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Oldham, J. B. (1990). Shrewsbury School Library Bindings (p. 183). New York: Garland.
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Bond, W. H. (1990). Thomas Hollis of Lincoln's Inn: A Whig and His Books (p. 133). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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MacKay, B. (1990). Marbling: methods and receipts from 4 centuries ; with other instructions useful to bookbinders ; With original marbled paper samples. Oxford: Plough Press.
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Fogelmark, S. (1990). Flemish and Related Panel-Stamped Bindings: Evidence and Principles. New York: Bibliographical Society of America.
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Wolfe, R. J. (1990). Marbled Paper: Its History, Techniques, and Patterns: With Special Reference to the Relationship of Marbling to Bookbinding in Europe and the Western World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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Schmoller, T. (1990). Remondini and Rizzi: a chapter in Italian decorated paper history. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Books.
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Garnier, N., & Bourjol-Couteron, M. -C. (1990). L'imagerie populaire française. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux.
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Les tranchefiles brodées: étude historique et technique. (1989). Les tranchefiles brodées: étude historique et technique. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale.
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Hobson, A. (1989). Humanists and Bookbinders: The Origins and Diffusion of the Humanistic Bookbinding 1459-1559, with a Census of Historiated Plaquette and Medallion Bindings of the Renaissance (p. 296). Cambridge University Press.
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Carter, J. (1989). Binding variants: with More binding variants in English publishing, 1820-1900. New Castle Del.: Oak Knoll Books.
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Hunter, D. (1988). A bibliography of marbled paper. Appleton, Wis.: Dard Hunter Paper Museum.
Decorated papers

MacKay, B. (1988). Patterns and pigments in English marbled papers: an account of the origins, sources and documentary literature to 1881. Kidlington, Oxford: Plough Press.
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Hinckley, C. T. (1988). A Day at the Bookbindery of Lippincott, Grambo & Co (p. 15). New Castle: Oak Knoll Books.
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Carvin, D. (1988). La reliure médiévale d'après les fonds des bibliothèques d'Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Carpentras et Marseille (p. 159). Arles: CICL.
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Guilleminot-Chrétien, G., Miquel, A., & de France, B. nationale. (1987). Papiers marbrés français, reliures princières et créations contemporaines: exposition, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 9 décembre 1987 au 9 janvier 1988. Bavel: VBW press.
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Schmoller, T. (1987). Paper chase: an exhibition of decorated papers from the Schmoller collection held in Edinburgh university library, 9th March-1st May, 1987. Edinburgh: Edinburgh university library.
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Sonmez, N., & Jackle-Sonmez, Y. (1987). Turkisch papier = Ebru = Turkish marbled paper : Katalog mit 38 farbigen Reproduktionen marmorierter Bilder 9 Schwarzweis-Fotos zur Herstellungstechnik und einem Original Tukisch Papier. Tubingen: Verlag Jackle-Sonmez.
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McDonnell, J., & Healy, P. (1987). Gold-Tooled Bookbindings Commissioned by Trinity College Dublin in the Eighteenth Century. Studies in the history of Irish bookbinding (p. 340). Leixlip: Irish Georgian Society.
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Payhembury Marbled Papers sampler: with twenty-six samples of hand-marbled paper. (1987). Payhembury Marbled Papers sampler: with twenty-six samples of hand-marbled paper. Winchester, Hampshire: Alembic Press.
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Wolfe, R. J. (1987). Three early French essays on paper marbling, 1642-1765. Newtown, PA: Bird & Bull Press.
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Postgate, S., & Museum}, {V. and A. (1987). Patterns for papers. The Victoria and Albert colour books. London: Victoria and Albert Museum.
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Geurts, A. J. (1987). In De Ban Van De Band: Enkele Notities Over Boekbanden En Boekbinden Geillustreerd Met Voorbeeiden Uit Zutphense Collecties (p. 22). Gent: Vlaamse Handboekbindersgilde.
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