Phase I concluding webinar

In January 2020, The Linked Conservation Data Consortium held a concluding webinar on its activities for the past year and plans for the future.

With funding from the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Linked Conservation Data Consortium formed in the winter of 2019. Over the past year it has held a webinar, two in-person meetings, and shorter seminars around the UK. Much of the work accomplished in these meetings has been to review the current state of tools, methodology, and practice in Linked Open Data and analyse how they can be best adapted for conservation treatment documentation. The project’s research has identified needs to be addressed to make implementation of Linked Data for conservation documentation more accessible.

The concluding webinar for phase 1 discusses these topics as well as the ways in which Linked Conservation Data plans to move ahead through pilots, development, and collaborative projects in phase 2 of the project.


(Full video here here )

  • Welcome and introduction to the webinar : Kristen St. John (Stanford University)
  • Athanasios Velios (University of the Arts London)
  • Work on vocabularies: Eleni Tsoulouha (Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas- FORTH)
  • Jon Ward (The J. Paul Getty Trust)
  • Ceri Binding (University of South Wales)
  • Athanasios Velios (University of the Arts London)
  • Modelling Report: Kristen St. John (Stanford University)
  • Athanasios Velios (University of the Arts London)
  • Next phase pilot and policy document: Nicole Gilroy (Bodleian Library)
  • Athanasios Velios (University of the Arts London)
  • Questions and concluding thoughts: Ryan Lieu / Athanasios Velios (Stanford University/ University of the Arts London)
  • Kristen St. John (Stanford University)