Introductory viewing and reading

The introductory material listed here is compiled for new-comers in the field of Linked Data and should be consulted in the order provided within each category.

Extensive introduction to the CIDOC-CRM by Dominic Oldman.

A video tutorial for CIDOC-CRM by Stephen Stead including text and slides (210min).

An introduction to the principles of Linked Data by Jonathan Blanley written for non-technical audiences with a humanities background (reading time: ~60min).

Book edited by Ed Jones featuring an overview of Linked Data applications for libraries and cultural heritage.

Short introductory text by James Day about the basic concepts of Linked Data (reading time 5min).

Book on Linked Data by Tom Heath and Christian Bizer.

Short video produced by Europeana to explain Linked Open Data (4min).

Videos from the workshop on Linked Open Data and conservation from the OXLOD project (, featuring Nicole Gilroy, Alexandra Greathead and Athanasios Velios (~90min).

A relatively short description of the main ideas behind SKOS, published by the W3C.

A short text by Marcia Zeng explaining the various types of Knowledge Organisation Systems.

Introductory slides about the use of the CIDOC-CRM for the integration of cultural heritage data by Martin Doerr and Stephen Stead.

Video by Manu Sporny explaining Linked Data using drawings (12min).