Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Roberts and Etherington.

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ROBERTS, M., ETHERINGTON, D., & BROWN, M. R. (1982). Bookbinding and the conservation of books: a dictionary of descriptive terminology.

Entries arranged alphabetically. References at the end of each entry. Small number of images at end. Search facility. References via link.

Preface: " Although this dictionary is intended first and foremost for those actively involved in one or more aspects of the overall field of bookbinding and book conservation, including bookbinders, conservators of library and archival materials, and the like, it is perhaps no less intended for those working in related fields, such as bibliography and librarianship, where the many terms and expressions relating to the overall field may be less familiar and even more confusing... The definitions themselves, .., were, whenever possible, drawn from the most authoritative sources available (as indicated by the number in parentheses at the end of a definition, which refers to the Sources and Bibliography section) and supplemented by the experience of the authors. Even though the bibliography and sources cited represent but a relatively small segment of the extensive corpus of literature in the field of conservation, we believe they provide a reasonably good sampling and may benefit the reader by offering an authoritative source for the terms and sometimes providing a source for further investigation. Definitions that do not cite a source are entirely the responsibility of the authors.

Where a term has more than one definition, each is numbered and arranged in its descending order of significance in relation to bookbinding."