Dictionary of Book and Paper Conservation

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BEÖTHYNÉ KOZOCSA, & ALBRECHTNÉ KUNSZERI. (1997). Dictionary of book and paper conservation in five languages. Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár.

Preface: "This dictionary contains the terms most frequetly used to refer to basic techniques, materials, tools and equipment applied in book and paper conservation, bookbinding and certin techniques of print and drawing. Entries are arranged alphabetically in each of the five divisions and the finding of synonymes for the Hungarian terms is facilitated by a cross reference system. The words in brackets are meant as clues to, rather than explanations of, the precise meaning of the terms.W Described as a dictionary but no scope notes given. A translation aid - the terms are given in Hungarian; German; English; French, Italian

PDF: 62 pages (for version starting with English language). Each line has one word in five languages. No scope notes. Book: Five sections - one per language - in which the entries are arranged alphabetically according to the main language. English as the lead language - 76 pages, 16 entries per page