
DEPEW, J. N., & JONES, C. L. (1992). A library, media, and archival preservation glossary.

Alphabetical list, source cited at end of scope note, related terms in bold in scope note.

Preface: " The purpose of this glossary is to bring together many of the terms that relate to the conservation and preservation of archival, library and media center materials, many of which are scattered in articles, books, dictionaries, glossaries, and reports throughout the literature of preservation. The terms are drawn not only form the field of library and information science, but from the binding, paper, photographic and preservation reformatting literature, as well. The glossary also contains building, HVAC, insurance and statistical terms that are useful in understanding those aspects of the preservation of informational materials".

GREENFIELD, J. (2002). ABC of bookbinding. New Castle, Del, Oak Knoll.

3 glossaries (see description), 1 index; drawings accompanying scope notes

Glossary of bookbinding terms; glossary of bookbinding's structural evolution; Glossary of binders, designers and styles of decoration; Index of binder's decorations.

Glossary of the paper conservation group of the American Institute for Conservation

"This page was created to gather together the various glossaries found in the Paper Conservation Wiki. Included so far are the glossaries from Adhesives, Hinge, Tape, and Adhesive Removal, Mold, and Written Documentation. This page may eventually be merged with the AIC Wiki Lexicon. Readers may also wish to consult CAMEO or the Ligatus Language of Bindings".

Entries arranged alphabetically. Identifies which section of the Paper Conservation Wiki the term is drawn from - and where further information would be available. Very few references.

Website: "The written documentation glossary is written for paper conservators, related professionals, and other persons who read written documentation created by paper conservators. The glossary's intent is to define specialized terminology used in condition and treatment reports which is not defined in general dictionaries, either adequately or at all. While a completely standardized vocabulary does not yet exist in the field, this glossary is an attempt to gather terms in general use and their meanings. Some terms are more widely used than others, and usage may vary according to individual conservators. Not included in the glossary are terms describing artist's techniques and media which have been well covered in a growing body of literature, such as William Ivins, How Prints Look, Felix Brunner, A Handbook of Graphic Reproduction Processes, Paul Goldman, Looking at Prints, Drawings and Watercolours, etc. "

Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging, developed and maintained by the Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ACRL/ALA). These thesauri provide standardized vocabulary for retrieving special collections materials by form, genre, or by various physical characteristics that are typically of interest to researchers and special collections librarians, and for relating materials to individuals or corporate bodies.

Binding terms thesauri: option to search alphabetically or hierarchically. "The Alphabetical List contains unapproved terms and references. To determine whether a term is approved and to determine appropriate usage as described in the Scope Note the full term record must be consulted."

RBMS produce 6 thesauri: Binding Terms; Genre Terms; Paper Terms; Printing & Publishing Evidence; Provenance Evidence; Type Evidence. Examining here: Binding Terms; Genre Terms; Paper Terms

ROBERTS, M., ETHERINGTON, D., & BROWN, M. R. (1982). Bookbinding and the conservation of books: a dictionary of descriptive terminology.

Entries arranged alphabetically. References at the end of each entry. Small number of images at end. Search facility. References via link.

Preface: " Although this dictionary is intended first and foremost for those actively involved in one or more aspects of the overall field of bookbinding and book conservation, including bookbinders, conservators of library and archival materials, and the like, it is perhaps no less intended for those working in related fields, such as bibliography and librarianship, where the many terms and expressions relating to the overall field may be less familiar and even more confusing... The definitions themselves, .., were, whenever possible, drawn from the most authoritative sources available (as indicated by the number in parentheses at the end of a definition, which refers to the Sources and Bibliography section) and supplemented by the experience of the authors. Even though the bibliography and sources cited represent but a relatively small segment of the extensive corpus of literature in the field of conservation, we believe they provide a reasonably good sampling and may benefit the reader by offering an authoritative source for the terms and sometimes providing a source for further investigation. Definitions that do not cite a source are entirely the responsibility of the authors.

Where a term has more than one definition, each is numbered and arranged in its descending order of significance in relation to bookbinding."

BEÖTHYNÉ KOZOCSA, & ALBRECHTNÉ KUNSZERI. (1997). Dictionary of book and paper conservation in five languages. Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár.

Preface: "This dictionary contains the terms most frequetly used to refer to basic techniques, materials, tools and equipment applied in book and paper conservation, bookbinding and certin techniques of print and drawing. Entries are arranged alphabetically in each of the five divisions and the finding of synonymes for the Hungarian terms is facilitated by a cross reference system. The words in brackets are meant as clues to, rather than explanations of, the precise meaning of the terms.W Described as a dictionary but no scope notes given. A translation aid - the terms are given in Hungarian; German; English; French, Italian

PDF: 62 pages (for version starting with English language). Each line has one word in five languages. No scope notes. Book: Five sections - one per language - in which the entries are arranged alphabetically according to the main language. English as the lead language - 76 pages, 16 entries per page

Nogueira (ed.) (1988). Glossary of Basic Archival and Library Conservation Terms. English with equivalents in Spanish, German, Italian, French and Russian. ICA (International Counciil on Archives) Handbooks Series Volume 4.

Introduction: "This Glossary is a first attempt to fill what has been perceived by the Conservation and Restoration Committee of the International Council on Archives as a serious gap in the range of publications available to archivists, librarians, and conservators on the all-important subject of archive and library conservation."

Alphabetically listed, short scope note, translation of English term into five other languages